Surviving the Holiday Season After a Divorce

The holidays can be a chaotic and stressful time for anyone. For those who have recently gone through a divorce, this time of year can also feel incredibly overwhelming and impossible to get through. However, there are ways to not only survive the holiday season, but ultimately thrive.

Navigating the Holidays

Transitioning into your new life as a single person will feel pretty jarring. You and your spouse probably had a lot of traditions that you enjoyed during the holidays, which you may not be able to continue. That said, just because the holidays as you know it has changed, does not mean you cannot still enjoy it. Now is a great time to consider new traditions, especially if you have children. Even if you are not spending Christmas with the kids, you can still have fun embrace the spirit of this season.

Here are some other tips for surviving a post-divorce holiday:

  • Take it easy: People often get pretty worked up during the holidays and the stress and pressure can be overwhelming. Instead of letting yourself get swept up by it all, go easy on yourself. Relieve yourself of all the expectations and standards you held yourself to in previous years and simply focus on getting in touch with what you know will lighten your mood.
  • Set boundaries: Now and in the future, be sure to set boundaries and never let anyone guilt trip you into taking on more than you can deal with. There is a lot you might not be capable of doing because of what you are coping with and you should not feel obligated to push yourself.
  • Do not isolate yourself: While a little alone time may be nice after a divorce, try not to totally isolate yourself over the holidays. Seek support from your friends and family, get out of the house, and do things that make you happy.
  • Look outward: When we look outward and focus more on how we can give back to others, it can have a positive impact on our mental health. Consider volunteering at a soup kitchen or a shelter this holiday season.

The holidays are a difficult time for many of us and, with these tips, you can get through it.

Reach Out to Our Family Law Team to Discuss the Details of Your Case!

If you are navigating a difficult family law matter, the team at Arnel Law Firm can help you. Our experienced attorneys will walk you through the steps of your case and help you obtain the best possible outcome.

Call our law office today at (718) 550-3024 to schedule a free phone consultation!
